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Rogue's Den

An exclusive community of soccer players, parents, and coaches that provides you with not only the specific training programs you need to play with confidence and get past defenders but the ACCESS.


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What Others Are Saying...

After stumbling across some Renegade Soccer Training videos, I decided to get in for my 11 year old son as something I could work on with him to improve his soccer game. His skills improved so much that he went from the worst ball control on his rec team to the best over the winter break. After the spring season ended, he was asked to join a travel club in town. After 3 months, if I don’t hear a compliment from a ref after the game, a parent,or coach I'd think something is wrong. - Nick Plyarinos

This program is phenomenal! Highly recommend to anybody who is serious on becoming a better player.

I was skeptical at first. After 30 days, it was amazing how much better my son looked on the field. You could see he was confident with the ball. That confidence with the ball opened up his game by allowing him to see the field more. I just bought the Total Control System for him to work on this winter. I can't wait to see how he plays in the spring.